Every facet of life has been affected by the pandemic. Following the Pandemic, there will be individuals who have been home and who are deconditioned. We here at Optimum Wellness Centers are open and taking the appropriate precautions to treat not only those recovering from Covid-19, but also, those whose health has been affected inadvertently following the stay at home orders.
Frailty Definition– When a person’s body does not move for a long period of time, he or she can suffer loss of strength, flexibility, endurance, balance, and mobility (the ability to move easily and perform common activities). In the elderly population in the United States, people develop frailty at a rate of 9.6% of the population. (1)
Frailty is a syndrome that results in an inability to perform everyday activities, such as preparing meals, washing, or caring for a family member. Debility is the loss of the ability to move around normally, or productively, in one’s home and community. Young people also can become frail and debilitated from trauma, disease, chronic pain, or any reduction in physical activity. Among critical care patients in hospitals, up to 30% are found to be frail (APTA). (1)
Frail people often are scared or reluctant to perform activities that make them tired and avoid doing them, which increases their frailty over time. Some frail people do not understand how to improve their condition, so they continue being inactive. (1)
Bed Rest– People in the hospital spend a lot of time in bed. One study found that hospital patients spend over 95% of their time in bed. Bed rest may be unavoidable for some people, based on their condition, but it’s harmful for most people. During bed rest, muscle mass decreases at a rate of 1%-2% per day, the risk of blood clots increases, and a person’s range of motion (the ability to move joints like knees, elbows, and shoulders) is likely to get worse. (1)
Precautions taken by Optimum Wellness Centers During COVID-19 Pandemic
How can Physical Therapy Help Those Recovering from COVID, and those who are Frail?
Physical therapists help individuals experiencing frailty and debility restore their strength, flexibility, endurance, balance, and overall mobility, reduce their chronic pain, and improve their daily function. (1)