According to the U.S. Congress Fall Prevention Act, falls are the leading cause of injury-related death among individuals who are over 65 years of age. In the 65+ population, the number of fall-related deaths is expected to double by 2030.
The Fall Prevention Act found that, “A national approach to reducing elder falls, which focuses on the daily life of senior citizens in residential, institutional, and community settings, is needed. The approach should include a wide range of organizations and individuals including family members, health care providers, social workers, employers, and others.”
Since 2003, the U.S. Congress has funded education and research directed toward preventing falls, enacted the Keeping Seniors Safe From Falls Act of 2006 and the Safety of Seniors Act of 2007.
At Optimum Wellness Centers, risk of falls assessment is just one part of a complete program to help improve your balance, and reduce your risk of falling.
A fall risk assessment is the first step for reducing fall risk and reducing the fear of falling.
A major problem confining older people to their homes is the fear of falling. In many cases, older adults are afraid to talk about this as they fear it will lead to a loss of independence.
That’s why Medicare recommends that all Medicare patients receive an annual fall risk assessment. When followed, this recommendation helps address one of the most difficult aspects of balance and dizziness problems in the elderly— the fear of losing independence. Experts suggest that the often unspoken fear of losing independence, due to admitting to having a fear of falling, can be a significant obstacle to beginning prevention planning at the earliest opportunity. Early intervention can provide the greatest chance to reduce the risk of a debilitating fall.
Common risk factors ranked by significance**
1 | Muscle weakness |
2 | History of falls |
3 | Gait deficit |
4 | Balance deficit |
5 | Use of an assistive device |
6 | Visual deficit |
7 | Arthritis |
8 | Impaired ability to do activities of daily living |
9 | Depression |
10 | Cognitive impairment |
11 | Age > 80 years |
Consult your doctor to evaluate your other medical conditions and medication interactions that may contribute to your risk of falls.
Muscle Strength | A detailed assessment of the muscles in the legs is performed to identify key muscles that may be weak. An emphasis is placed on the muscles that are most active during standing, balance, and walking, as weakness in these muscles can lead to falls. |
Balance | Balance during standing and walking is assessed both on firm (tile) and uneven (foam) surfaces. A physical therapist will also assess your gait and ability to perform pivot turns to gauge safety in the home and community. Depending on the extent of the balance deficits, your balance may also be assessed with your eyes closed. |
Functional Limitations | A physical therapist may assess your ability to stand up from a chair, climb stairs, and traverse curbs to see where your baseline is. Overall, a physical therapist will give you exercises to help you restore and improve your individual functional limitations. |
This information is not a substitute for medical advice from your doctor. However, your physical therapy balance and fall risk assessment will include a review of your medications and supplements.
As we age, we become increasingly susceptible to the adverse side effects and interactions of medications we take. This fact is compounded by the likelihood that additional medications may be added over time to help manage newly diagnosed conditions.
As part of your fall risk assessment and prevention planning program, it’s important to periodically review your symptoms and determine which ones may be due to medication. It’s extremely important to avoid mistaking any adverse symptoms you may be experiencing for normal aging when they may be more directly related to adverse drug side effects and interactions.
Please do not stop taking any prescribed medication without consulting with your doctor. Many medications must be gradually weaned to avoid serious complications.
This information is not a substitute for medical advice from your doctor. However, your physical therapy balance and fa
When you are prone to falling, your home can either support you or become a reason for your falls. The following is a list of common things that make a difference in lowering the risk of falls due to home hazards. Look around your home environment and think about your home is helping you avoid falling. You may need to change things to make it less likely that you will fall.
all risk assessment will include a review of your medications and supplements.
Balance Retraining | |
Static/Dynamic Balance Retraining | |
Habituation/Adaptation | |
Strengthening/Aerobics | |
Education/Customized Home Program | |
Gait Training | |
Functional Retraining (curbs, stairs, uneven surfaces) | |
Neurological Evaluation & Treatment | |
Neuromuscular facilitation exercises | |
Assessment of abnormal muscle tone | |
Assess for an assistive device | |
Annual Fall Risk Assessment | |
Therapeutic Exercise | |
Progressive resistive strengthening | |
Muscle stretching |